hwc_logo_qtr.jpg (21587 bytes)


"3211" - Reverse Lamp Actuating Switch Pin - $35 Each

A nice reproduction of the reverse lamp switch actuating pin found on all column shifted automatic transmission equipped 1967-68 Dodge, Plymouth, and Chrysler vehicles. Commonly broken and missing which causes the reverse lights to not function. Made from durable ABS and includes stainless locking pin. Just locate the part in the hole of the column tube and gently tap the pin flush with the top of the part. Installation is quick and easy (once you remove the column & switch)! Installation instructions included. Reference Chrysler PN 2883 211.


"6466" - Small Block Valve Cover Wire Loom Tab - $6.50 Each

Excellent reproduction of the right valve cover wire loom tab used on small block applications. Formed from correct gauge steel with all the details of an original part including thermoplastic coated ends. Replace your broken or missing wire loom tabs today! Just spotweld this part into the original position for a renewed look. 3-4 tabs used per valve cover.


"6467" - Small Block Valve Cover Wire Loom Heat Shield - $19 Each

Excellent reproduction of the 1966-73 right valve cover wire loom heat shield used on 4-barrel small block applications. Found on 66-67 273 Hi-Po and all 340 valve covers, including AAR and T/A. Formed from correct gauge steel and thermoplastic coated like originals. Replace your worn or missing part, or convert 2-barrel valve covers into expensive 340 units by removing the center wire loom tab and spotwelding this part into position.


"2491" - Horn Pad Retainer Kit - $17 Each

This quality reproduction horn pad retainer kit is cut from the correct gauge steel and zinc phosphate and oiled to prevent corrosion.  Includes three 8-32 zinc plated mounting screws and correct 1/4-20 hex coni SEMS bolt to mount the horn pad to the plate.  Used on 1969 A & B-Body 3-spoke plastic steering wheels, applications w/o simulated wood steering wheel or full horn ring.  Reference Chrysler part number 2852 491.

"6704" - Horn Pad Retainer Kit - $17 Each

This quality reproduction horn pad retainer kit is cut from the correct gauge steel and zinc phosphate and oiled to prevent corrosion.  Includes three 8-32 zinc plated mounting screws and correct 1/4-20 hex coni SEMS bolt to mount the horn pad to the plate.  Used on 1970 A & B-Body 3-spoke plastic steering wheels, applications w/o simulated wood steering wheel, Tuff Wheel, or full horn ring.  Reference Chrysler part number 2996 704.


"5530" - Positive Battery Cable Routing Bracket - $35 Each

An excellent reproduction of the positive battery cable bracket located on the rear of the left cylinder head of 1966-69 426 HEMI engines.  Formed from correct gauge steel, accurately embossed for strength, clear zinc plated then thermo-plastic coated for original appearance. Reference Chrysler part number 6105 530.



"5701" - Positive Battery Cable Routing Bracket - $35 Each

An excellent reproduction of the positive battery cable bracket located on the rear of the left cylinder head of 1970-71 426 HEMI engines.  Formed from correct gauge steel, accurately embossed for strength, clear zinc plated then thermo-plastic coated for original appearance. Reference Chrysler part number 6105 701.


"0500" - Lower Positive Battery Cable Routing Bracket - $13 Each

This bracket holds the positive battery cable to the left frame rail on 1966-1970 B-Body cars.  Made from the correct gauge steel and zinc plated for longevity with proper thermo-plastic covering.  Comes with correct hex head mounting screw.

Click here to view photograph for proper location.


0501.JPG (3356 bytes)  

"0501" - Upper Positive Battery Cable Routing Bracket - $13 Each

This bracket holds the positive battery cable to the left inner fender well on 1966-1970 B-Body cars.  Made from the correct gauge steel and zinc plated for longevity with proper thermo-plastic covering.  Comes with correct mounting screw.

Click here to view photograph for proper location.

FRBKIT.jpg (5044 bytes) "FRBKIT" - B-Body Speedo Cable/Brake Line/Battery Cable Bracket Kit - $34 per Set

This bracket kit includes one of each of #0499, #0500, and #0501.  Used on 1966-1970 B-Body cars.  See description of individual parts above for application and part location.

Click here to view photograph for proper location.

0502.jpg (4492 bytes)

"0502" - Positive Battery Cable Routing Bracket - $16 Each


This bracket holds the positive battery cable to the left frame rail on 1970-1974 E-Body and 1971-1974 B-Body cars.  Made from the correct gauge steel and zinc plated for longevity with proper thermo-plastic covering.  Comes with correct hex head mounting screw.

"AX004" - 1966-1978 Interior Dome Light Lens - $6 Each

An exact reproduction of the 1966-1978 interior dome light lens.  Our reproduction is made from nylon for correct transparency and durability.  Replace that yellowed or broken lens today!  Reference Chrysler part number 2292 995.

007.jpg (7014 bytes)

"007" - Alternator Mounting Kit - $47 Per Kit

1966 & earlier big block engine without A/C.  Fits water pump housings with casting numbers 2205 862, 2468 007, & 2536 767.  POWDER COATED low gloss black.

Comes complete with mounting triangle, adjusting strap, three zinc phosphated spacers, (4) OE correct bolts and (2) conical washers.  See #987B description below.

Use heater hose support "V"

View Proper Component Orientation


987.jpg (7454 bytes)


"987" - Alternator Mounting Kit - $47 Per Kit

1967-1974 big block engine without A/C.  Fits water pump housings with casting numbers 2780 987 & 3698 468.  POWDER COATED low gloss black.

Comes complete with mounting triangle, adjusting strap, three zinc phosphated spacers, (4) OE correct bolts and (2) conical washers.  See #987B description below.

  Use heater hose support "A"

View Proper Component Orientation


007h.jpg (6948 bytes)


"007H" - Alternator Mounting Kit  - $47 Per Kit

1964-1966 426ci Hemi engine fits water pump housings with casting numbers 2205 862, 2468 007, & 2536 767.  POWDER COATED low gloss black.

Comes complete with mounting triangle, adjusting strap, three zinc phosphated spacers, (4) OE correct bolts and (2) conical washers.  See #987BH description below.

Use heater hose support "V"

View Proper Component Orientation

987h.jpg (7832 bytes)


"987H" - Alternator Mounting Kit - $47 Per Kit

1967-1971 426ci Hemi engine fits water pump housings with casting numbers 2780 987 & 3698 468.    POWDER COATED low gloss black.

Comes complete with mounting triangle, adjusting strap, three zinc phosphated spacers, (4) OE correct bolts and (2) conical washers.  See #987BH description below.

Use heater hose support "A"

View Proper Component Orientation



"794" - Alternator Mounting Kit - $42 Per Kit

1967-1969 small block engine fits cast iron water pump housings with casting numbers 2402 794 & 2863 067.  POWDER COATED low gloss black.

Comes complete with mounting triangle, adjusting strap, three zinc phosphated spacers, Grade 8 mounting bolt with conical washer, and OE correct adjuster strap bolt.  See #794B description below.

View Proper Component Orientation



"795" - Alternator Mounting Kit - $42 Per Kit

1970 & later small block engine with aluminum water pump housing with part number 3420 037.  POWDER COATED low gloss black.  Used on non-A/C applications.

Comes complete with mounting triangle, adjusting strap, two zinc phosphated spacers, Grade 8 mounting bolt with conical washer, and OE correct adjuster strap bolt.  See #795B description below.

Use heater hose support "AX43"

View Proper Component Orientation



"6040-KIT" - Alternator Mounting Kit - $229 Per Kit

1967-1968 big block engines with Air Conditioning

Comes complete with cast alternator mounting bracket, adjusting strap, alternator support bracket, cast idler pulley spacer, idler pulley bracket with pulley, heater hose bracket, and all correct phosphate mounting hardware.



"1746B-KIT" - Alternator Mounting Kit - $199 Per Kit

1969-1972 383 & 400 big block engines with Air Conditioning

Comes complete with alternator mounting triangle, formed adjusting strap, alternator mounting block with phosphate spacers, cast idler pulley spacer, idler pulley bracket with pulley, heater hose bracket, and all correct phosphate mounting hardware.



"1746RB-KIT" - Alternator Mounting Kit - $199 Per Kit

1969-1972 440 big block engines with Air Conditioning

Comes complete with alternator mounting triangle, formed adjusting strap, alternator mounting bolt with phosphate spacers, cast idler pulley spacer, idler pulley bracket with pulley, heater hose bracket, and all correct phosphate mounting hardware.


"6040" - Alternator Mounting Bracket - $79 Each

An excellent reproduction of the cast alternator mounting bracket used on all 1967-68 big block engines with Air Conditioning.  This bracket is cast in high-strength aluminum instead of the heavier cast iron of originals, and is dipped in low-gloss black for original appearance.  Includes correct alternator mounting bolt and special hug-lok nut, and three OE correct bracket mounting bolts.  Mounts to front of right cylinder head.  Reference P/N 2806 040.

Use heater hose support "V2"

987TAC.jpg (3755 bytes)


"987TAC" - Alternator Mounting Triangle - $25 Each

1969-74 big block engine with Air Conditioning.  Fits all big block water pumps.  Has correct locating dimple and 5/16-18 weld nut for heater hose shield #0058.   POWDER COATED low gloss black.

Use heater hose support "0058"


007T.jpg (3932 bytes)

"007T" - Alternator Mounting Triangle - $25 Each

1966 & earlier big block & Hemi engine without A/C.  Fits water pump housings with casting numbers 2205 862, 2468 007, & 2536 767.  POWDER COATED low gloss black.

987T.JPG (4700 bytes)

"987T" - Alternator Mounting Triangle - $25 Each

1967-1974 big block & Hemi engine without A/C.  Fits water pump housings with casting numbers 2780 987 & 3698 468.  POWDER COATED low gloss black.  Reference Chrysler part number 2658 990.

987s.JPG (4475 bytes)  

"987S" - Alternator Adjusting Strap - (1) Required - $12 Each

1966-74 big block without A/C alternator adjusting strap.  POWDER COATED semi-gloss black.  Reference Chrysler part number 2206 446.



"987SAC" - Alternator Adjusting Strap - (1) Required - $23 Each

1967-68 big block with A/C alternator adjusting strap with heater hose shield.  POWDER COATED semi-gloss black with the shield thermo-plastic coated.  Use with #V2 hose bracket.  Reference Chrysler part number 2899 110.


987sh.JPG (3303 bytes)  

"987SH" - Alternator Adjusting Strap - (1) Required - $12 Each

1966-71 426 Hemi alternator adjusting strap.  POWDER COATED semi-gloss black.  Reference Chrysler part number 2780 630.



"3057" - Alternator Support Bracket - (1) Required - $19 Each

A quality reproduction if the alternator support bracket used on 1967-68 Big Block applications with Air Conditioning.  Mounts between the idler pulley bracket and alternator.  Formed from the correct gauge steel and powder coated low gloss black for original appearance.

 Reference P/N 2863 057.


"1746" - Alternator Adjusting Strap - (1) Required - $40 Each

A quality reproduction alternator adjusting strap formed from the correct gauge steel with the correct emboss features to strengthen the mounting arm.  Used on 1969-74 B & E-Body Big Block applications with Air Conditioning without Leece-Neville alternator.  Includes the correct 5/16-18 mounting screw for the alternator.  Powder coated low gloss black for original appearance.

 Reference Chrysler part number 2951 746.



"1868" - Alternator Adjusting Strap - (1) Required - $40 Each

A quality reproduction alternator adjusting strap formed from the correct gauge steel with the correct emboss features to strengthen the mounting arm.  Used on 1970-74 B & E-Body Small Block applications with Air Conditioning.  Includes the correct 5/16-18 mounting screw for the alternator and the 3/8-16 mounting bolt for the cylinder head.  Powder coated low gloss black for original appearance.

 Reference Chrysler part number 2951 868.


987b.JPG (5657 bytes)  

"987B" - Alternator Mounting Bolt Kit - (1) Required - $25 Each

1962-74 big block non-A/C alternator mounting bolts and spacers.  Comes complete with two OE correct conical washers, three zinc phosphated spacers, an "H" headed 6" long Grade 8 alternator mounting bolt, an "L5" headed 4 1/4" lower mounting bolt, a Grade 8 place bolt for the thermostat mounting boss, and an "LG" headed SEMS bolt for the alternator strap.   All fastener head styles and plating are the best recognized examples of Original Equipment use.  Some applications may vary.


987bh.JPG (5458 bytes)  

"987BH" - Alternator Mounting Bolt Kit - (1) Required - $25 Each

1966-71 426 Hemi alternator mounting bolts and spacers.  Comes complete with two OE correct conical washers, three zinc phosphated spacers, an "H" headed 5 1/2" long Grade 8 alternator mounting bolt, an "L5" headed 4 1/4" lower mounting bolt, a Grade 8 place bolt for the thermostat mounting boss, and an "LG" headed SEMS bolt for the alternator strap.  All fastener head styles and plating are the best recognized examples of Original Equipment use.   Some applications may vary.


"746B" - Alternator Mounting Bolt Kit with A/C - (1) Required - $25 Each

1969-74 big block 383 and 400 alternator mounting bolt and spacers with A/C.  Comes complete with OE correct conical washer, two zinc phosphated spacers, correct length Grade 8 alternator mounting bolt, a powder coated alternator mounting block, and two correct mounting bolts.


"746RB" - Alternator Mounting Bolt Kit with A/C - (1) Required - $20 Each

1969-74 big block 440 alternator mounting bolt and spacers with A/C.  Comes complete with OE correct conical washer, correct size zinc phosphated spacers, and correct length Grade 8 alternator mounting bolt.



"794B" - Alternator Mounting Bolt Kit - (1) Required - $18 Each

1967-69 small block alternator mounting bolt and spacers.  Comes complete with correct conical washer, three zinc phosphated spacers, correct length Grade 8 bolt, and OE correct alternator strap bolt.


"795B" - Alternator Mounting Bolt Kit - (1) Required - $18 Each

1970 & later small block alternator mounting bolt and spacers for non-A/C applications.  Comes complete with correct conical washer, two zinc phosphated spacers, correct length Grade 8 bolt, and OE correct alternator strap bolt.


"RRHPC01" - 1969-1970 Road Runner Horn Pad Center Emblem - $20 Each

Correct injection molded part with proper silver border and premium Road Runner decal installed.   The finishing touch for the interior of your Road Runner!  Reference Chrysler part number 2950 510.

"2670" - Coil Mounting Bracket  - $23 Each

This coil mounting bracket is accurately punched & sheared from correct gauge material with the factory-style extruded & tapped hole for the clamping screw.  Comes complete with a cadmium plated slotted machine screw with self-tapping end.  Correct silver cadmium plated as original distinguishes this part from the rest of the reproductions that are only zinc plated.  Used on 1967-79 small block applications.  Reference Chrysler part number 2642 670.

"8207" - Coil Mounting Bracket  - $23 Each

This coil mounting bracket is accurately punched & sheared from correct gauge material with the factory-style extruded & tapped hole for the clamping screw.  Comes complete with a cadmium plated slotted machine screw with self-tapping end.  Correct silver cadmium plated as original distinguishes this part from the rest of the reproductions that are only zinc plated.  Used on big block, hemi, and 6 cylinder applications.  Reference Chrysler part number 1688 207.

"406" - 1969-71 440 Six Pack Coil Strap Mounting Bracket - $35 each

Accurately reproduced from the correct gauge material and with the correct 1/4-28UNF x 3/4" long mounting studs.  Bracket comes complete with two NOS phosphated coni keps nuts as original.

"407" - 1970 340 Six Pack Coil Strap Mounting Bracket - $35 each

Accurately reproduced from the correct gauge material and with the correct 1/4-28UNF x 3/4" long mounting studs.  Bracket comes complete with two NOS phosphated coni keps nuts as original.

"LPB6869" - Front License Plate Mounting Bracket - $24 each

Very nice reproduction of the front license plate mounting bracket used on 1970-1972 Barracuda and 1968-1969 Charger.  Made from correct gauge steel & powder coated low gloss black for better appearance and long life.  License plate mounting hardware included along with rubber bumper.  Reference Chrysler part number 2856 666.

"LPB7071" - Front License Plate Mounting Bracket - $29 each

Very nice reproduction of the front license plate mounting bracket used on 1970-1971 Challenger.  Made from correct gauge steel & powder coated low gloss black for better appearance and long life.  License plate mounting hardware included.  Reference Chrysler part number 2962 336.

"LPB7274" - Front License Plate Mounting Bracket - $21 each

Very nice reproduction of the front license plate mounting bracket used on 1972-1974 Challenger & 1973-74 Barracuda.  Made from correct gauge steel & powder coated low gloss black for better appearance and long life.   License plate mounting hardware included along with rubber bumper.  Reference Chrysler part number 3595 074.


"750" - ECU Mounting Bracket Kit - $32 Per Kit

Concours-quality reproduction of the Electronic Ignition Control Unit mounting bracket for 1972-74 E-Body cars.  Made from correct heavy gauge steel and zinc dichromate plated for original appearance.  Mounts on the firewall as original, or inner fender panel if desired for other applications.  Includes four correct zinc plated 1/4” anchor-headed screws for mounting.  Reference part #3513 750.



"5236" - Wiring Clip - $10 Each


Excellent reproduction of the wiring clip found on the upper left bell housing-to-engine block attaching bolt for both manual and automatic transmission equipped cars.  Used to route the reverse light/neutral safety wiring harness from the firewall bulk head to the transmission switch.  Also found in conjunction with part #AX41T on 4-speed side covers.   Formed  from correct gauge steel, zinc plated, and thermoplastic coated for original appearance.  Reference Chrysler part number 6015 236.



"5707" - Wiring Clip - $10 Each


Excellent reproduction of the wiring clip found on either of the upper automatic transmission tail shaft attaching bolt.  Used to route the reverse light/neutral safety wiring harness from the firewall bulk head to the transmission switch.  Once in place, the clip is bent forward to rest on the transmission housing.  Formed  from correct gauge steel, zinc plated, and thermoplastic coated for original appearance.  Reference Chrysler part number 6015 707.

"5717" - Wiring Clip - $18 Each

Excellent reproduction of the wiring clip found on the right automatic transmission tooling boss on E-Body and 1971-74 B-Body cars.  Used to route the reverse light/neutral safety wiring harness from the firewall bulk head to the transmission switch.  Formed  from correct gauge spring steel, zinc phosphate plated, and thermoplastic coated for original appearance.  Reference Chrysler part number 6015 717.

ax41.jpg (4466 bytes)

"AX41" - Wire Retaining Clip for the Alternator - $7 Each

Wire retaining clip for the washer pump and horn wires or positive alternator lead on the rear of the alternator.   Zinc plated correct gauge steel and thermo-plastic coated for proper appearance.  Comes complete with retaining screw.

"AX41A" - Wire Retaining Clip for 1967-76 A-Body Brake Switch Wire - $7 Each

Wire retaining clip for the brake system indicator switch wire on 1967-76 A-Bodies.  Mounts to left inner fender at rear of shock tower.  Zinc plated correct gauge steel and thermo-plastic coated for proper appearance.  Comes complete with retaining screw.

View Component Location on Inner Fender

"AX41T" - Wire Retaining Clip for Manual Transmission Side Cover - $7 Each

Wire retaining clip for the reverse light switch wire on 3 and 4-speed transmissions.  Mounts under side cover retaining bolts at top rear and upper rear side locations.  Zinc plated correct gauge steel and thermo-plastic coated for proper appearance.  2 Wire Retaining Clips required per transmission.  Reference Chrysler part number 6015 382.

"BHD01" - Battery Hold Down Kit - $23 Each Kit

1960-1965 battery hold down kit for all body styles includes the correct zinc phosphate J-bolts with CORRECT heavy gauge wing nuts, 1/4" flat washers, and a thermo-plastic coated cross bracket.  Short J-bolt must be shortened 1" for A-Body applications.

"BHD01S" -  Battery Hold Down Strap - $17 Each

1960-1965 battery hold down strap for all body styles includes a thermo-plastic coated cross bracket.

"BHD03" -  Battery Hold Down Kit - $23 Each Kit

1966-1969 battery hold down kit for all body styles (except C-Body) includes the correct zinc phosphate J-bolts with CORRECT heavy gauge wing nuts, 1/4" flat washers, and a thermo-plastic coated cross bracket.  Short J-bolt must be shortened 1" for 1966 A-Body applications.

"BHD03S" -  Battery Hold Down Strap - $17 Each

1966-1969 battery hold down strap for all body styles (except C-Body) includes a thermo-plastic coated cross bracket.

"BHD04" - Battery Hold Down Kit - $23 Each Kit

1970-1971 B & E-Body and 1970-1976 A-Body battery hold down kit includes the correct zinc phosphate J-bolts with hex coni SEMS nuts and a thermo-plastic coated cross bracket.

"BHD04S" - Battery Hold Down Strap - $17 Each

1970-1971 B- & E-Body and 1970-1976 A-Body battery hold down strap only includes a thermo-plastic coated cross bracket.

"BHD05" - Battery Hold Down Kit - $23 Each Kit

1972-1974 B- & E-Body battery hold down kit includes the correct zinc phosphate J-bolts with hex coni SEMS nuts, fender mounting bolt, and a thermo-plastic coated cross bracket.

"BHD05S" - Battery Hold Down Strap - $17 Each

1972-1974 B- & E-Body battery hold down strap only includes a thermo-plastic coated cross bracket.

"BHD06" - Battery Hold Down Kit - $23 Each Kit

1966 & later C-Body battery hold down kit includes the correct zinc phosphate J-bolt with hex coni SEMS nuts and a thermo-plastic coated cross bracket.

"BHD06S" - Battery Hold Down Strap - $17 Each

1966 & later C-Body battery hold down strap only includes thermo-plastic coated cross bracket.

jb-1.JPG (2272 bytes)  

"JB-1" - J-Bolt Set - $10 Each Kit

1970-1971 Battery Hold Down J-Bolt Kit

Zinc phosphate J-bolts with CORRECT 1" OD washer sems nuts.


jb-2.JPG (2805 bytes)  

"JB-2" - J-Bolt Set - $8.50 Each Kit

1960-1969 Battery Hold Down J-Bolt Set.  Short J-bolt must be shortened 1" for 1966 and earlier A-Body applications.

Zinc phosphate J-bolts with CORRECT heavy gauge wing nuts and 1/4" flat washers.


JB-L.jpg (1662 bytes) "JB-L" - J-Bolt - $3.50 Each

Used on all battery hold down engine side applications.

Zinc phosphate as original.

JB-M.jpg (1416 bytes) "JB-M" - J-Bolt - $3.50 Each

Used on all battery hold down fender side applications for A, B, and E-Body from 1970-72.

Zinc phosphate as original.

JB-S.jpg (1672 bytes) "JB-S" - J-Bolt - $3.50 Each

Used on all battery hold down fender side applications for A and B-Body from 1960-69.  J-bolt must be shortened 1" for 1964-66 A-Body applications.

Zinc phosphate as original.

wingnut.JPG (7310 bytes) "WINGNUT" - $2.50 Each

Used on 1960-1969 battery hold down J-bolts.  Stamped from heavy gauge steel to duplicate original dimensions.  Zinc plated for proper appearance and a lasting shine.

5006.jpg (4520 bytes) "5006" - Battery Hold Down Nuts - $3 Each

Used on 1970-1976 battery hold down J-bolts.  1/4-20UNC thread with tall nut and 1" diameter conical washer.  Correct in every dimension and black phosphate finished as original.

2 nuts required per vehicle.

pws01.JPG (7143 bytes)


"PWS01" - Big Block Plug Wire Shield - $12 Each

An exact reproduction of a hard to find plug boot shield.  Bolts to the fourth HP exhaust manifold stud from the front to protect #7 spark plug wire boot.  For use on mid-1969 and later B and E-Body HP Big Block applications!



pws02.JPG (4320 bytes) "PWS02" - Big Block Plug Wire Shield - $12 Each

An exact reproduction of a hard to find plug boot shield.  This spark plug shield bolts under the sixth and seventh head bolt to protect #6 and #8 spark plug wire boots.  Correct for mid-1969 and later HP Big Block applications.

pws03.JPG (6708 bytes) "PWS03" - Big Block Plug Wire Shield - $12 Each

An exact reproduction of a hard to find plug boot shield.  This spark plug shield bolts under the sixth and seventh head bolt to protect #6 and #8 spark plug wire boots.  Correct for 1967-1969 HP Big Block applications.  A second shield is required on HP C-Body and Big Block A-Body Applications to protect #5 and #7 spark plug wire boots.

"PWS04" - Big Block Plug Wire Shield - $12 Each

An exact reproduction of a hard to find early version plug boot shield.  Bolts to the fourth left side exhaust manifold stud from the front to protect #7 spark plug wire boot.  For use on 1967 through mid-1969 B-Body HP Big Block applications!


"PWS05" - Big Block Plug Wire Shield - $12 Each

An exact reproduction of a hard to find early version plug boot shield.  Bolts to the second to last left side exhaust manifold sleeve nut to protect #7 spark plug wire boot.  For use on 1962-1965 B-Body Street Wedge Big Block applications.  Also used on 1966-69 361 and 383 2-barrel and 1966 383 4-barrel B-Body applications.   Includes correct indented hex head mounting bolt.


"PWS06" - Big Block Plug Wire Shield - $12 Each

An exact reproduction of a hard to find early version plug boot shield.  Bolts to the fourth right side exhaust manifold stud from the front to protect #8 spark plug wire boot.  For use on 1962-1965 B-Body Street Wedge Big Block applications!


"0504" - Firewall Wiring Clip Package - $35 per Kit


Accurate reproductions of the E-Body & 1971-72 B-Body wiring clips located on the brake pedal reinforcement bracket behind the master cylinder on all manual brake applications.  Located on the rear of the power brake booster on Hemi power brake applications.  Formed from correct gauge material, clear zinc plated, and thermo-plastic coated for original appearance.  Kit includes two wiring clips, two correct 5/16-18UNC hex coni sems nuts to attach to firewall studs, and two 3/8" zinc plated pal nuts for hemi applications (not shown).

"610" - Firewall Wiring Clip - $24 Each

An excellent reproduction of the wiring harness clip located on the firewall of 1969-76 A-Bodies.  Used on both power and standard brake applications.  Formed from correct gauge steel, clear zinc plated then thermo-plastic coated for original appearance.  Includes #10 PHP zinc plated mounting screw.

"612" - Firewall Wiring Clip - $24 Each


An excellent reproduction of the SHORT version of the 1966-70 B-Body wiring clip located on the brake pedal reinforcement bracket. Used on both power and standard brake applications. Formed from correct gauge galvanized material and thermo-plastic coated for original appearance.

"613" - Firewall Wiring Clip - $24 Each


An excellent reproduction of the LONG version of the 1966-70 B-Body wiring clip located on the brake pedal reinforcement bracket. Used on both power and standard brake applications. Formed from correct gauge galvanized material and thermo-plastic coated for original appearance.


"615" - Inner Fender Wiring Clip - $24 Each


An excellent reproduction of the 1966 HEMI B-Body wiring clip located on the front solenoid panel mounting screw.  Holds the forward wiring harness and Charger hood release cable.  Formed from correct gauge material, zinc plated and thermo-plastic coated for original appearance.  Includes correct mounting screw.



"657" - Brake Booster Wiring Clip - $29 Each

An excellent reproduction of the wiring harness clip that mounts to the left side power brake booster studs on 1971-74 B & E-Body non-Hemi applications.  Formed from correct gauge material with zinc plated clamp fingers and thermo-plastic coated for original appearance.   Includes two 5/16” zinc plated pal nuts for mounting.



"657B" - Brake Booster Wiring Clip - $30 Each

An excellent reproduction of the wiring harness clip that mounts to the left side power brake booster studs on 1970 E-Body non-Hemi applications.  Formed from correct gauge material with zinc plated clamp fingers and thermo-plastic coated for original appearance.  Dipped in semi-gloss black and includes two 5/16” zinc plated pal nuts for mounting.





How to purchase HWC parts